marco polÍtico + teorÍas
Enmarque Político + Teorías es un intento de proporcionar las ideas, principios y teorías generales que dan forma al trabajo de Papel Machete y al proyecto La víspera de la abolición. Los temas o áreas de pensamiento incluyen la descolonización, el neoliberalismo, la lucha anticolonial y anticapitalista, la teoría feminista negra, la teoría queer, etc.
artÍculos y ensayos:
- “The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism” by Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
- “Understanding Patriarchy” by bell hooks
- “Marginality as Site of Resistance” by bell hooks
- “The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House” by Audre Lorde
- “Mapping the Radical Imaginary: A Relational Genealogy of the Puerto Rican Left Since the 1990s” by José A. Laguarta Ramírez
- “If we can dismantle patriarchy and capitalism, we might be onto something:” – An interview with Mary Hooks for Scalawag, originally published in 2018.
- Michel Foucault on the Panopticon Effect
- Discipline & Punish – Panopticism

"no existe la educación neutra. la educación funciona como instrumento para lograr la conformidad o la libertad".
– paulo freire
libros / zines / toolkits:
- Discipline & Punish: The Birth of the Prison by Michel Foucault
- Teaching to Transgress by bell hooks
- Marxist Leninist Philosophy Diagrams, Tables, Illustrations written and compiled by T. Vlasova
- The Queer Art of Failure (chapter three) by Jack Halberstam
- Wretched of the Earth by Franz Fanon
- Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire
- The Prison Notebooks by Antonio Gramsci
- My People Shall Live: The Autobiography of a Revolutionary by Leila Khaled
- The 1619 Project by Nikole Hannah-Jones
- Bulbancha Is Still A Place Zine – Issue #1 + Issue #2
- BYP100’s She Safe We Safe Black Queer Feminist Curriculum Toolkit
podcasts / películas / videos:
- VIDEO: US Empire v Political Prisoners: A Teach-In in Celebration of Mumia Abu-Jamal (Common Notions) | April 27, 2020
- PODCAST: Indigenous Action Podcast
- FILM: Neptune Front by Anisia Uzeyman and Saul Williams
- VIDEO PLAYLIST: bell hooks: Remembering a Feminist Intellectual, The New School
- VIDEO: Barnard Center: Paradoxes of Neoliberalism
- FILM: Israelism, directed by Erin Axelman and Sam Eilertsen